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EF: Could you elaborate on the projects you are working on and why they are important nowadays?​ 

LI: I am working on two exciting projects – patient-centric platforms for pharmaceutical information. We leverage our combined knowledge, background, and experience from previous companies to build scalable platforms across Poland and the European Union.​​ 

​​​One platform,, is a digital pharmaceutical care platform specifically designed for the Polish market. Each European market has regulations and needs so a one-size-fits-all approach wouldn't work. provides reliable and up-to-date information on medications tailored to the Polish context. This prepares patients to become key decision-makers in their treatment journeys, especially with upcoming changes in prescription regulations. I believe doctors in Poland will soon be required to use generic names (INN) instead of brand names. This shift empowers patients to make informed choices about the medications they use, both prescription and over-the-counter. Leki. pl equips them with the knowledge they need to participate actively in their healthcare alongside their doctors and pharmacists.​​ 

​​​On the other hand, clinical trials represent a pan-European opportunity. The European market is more harmonized due to strong regulations, making it possible to build a cross-border platform. ClinicalTrials.EU leverages the CTIN network, a promising pan-European project that streamlines clinical trial information. This platform tackles the major challenge of patient recruitment in Europe. By offering patients easy access to information on ongoing trials, ClinicalTrials.EU empowers them to explore potential new therapies and contribute to medical advancements.​​ 

​​​Both and ClinicalTrials.EU share a central mission: empowering patients. We believe that patients deserve access to clear, reliable, and up-to-date information. By providing user-friendly platforms, we encourage patient engagement in their own healthcare and research participation. This ultimately leads to better quality care and advancements in medicine for everyone.​​ 

EF: What opportunities do you see in 2024 for Poland and Europe? 

​​​LI: The noticeable trend of patients increasingly obtaining health information online creates several interesting opportunities for platforms like ours. The growing awareness and demand for reliable medical knowledge translates into an increasing interest in our solutions.​​ 

​​​The Polish pharmaceutical market, which is slowly becoming mature, may be significantly impacted by the previously mentioned planned change in medication prescription regulations. I see this as a great opportunity for Patients will become decision-makers, and it will be up to them to make conscious choices about their medications.​​ 

​​​In clinical trials, we observe a clear lack of comprehensive solutions for the EU market. European organizations are actively looking for tools that will allow them to keep up with the rapidly developing American and Asian markets. ClinicalTrials.EU, as a comprehensive European platform that facilitates patient recruitment for clinical trials, has the potential to become a key player in this area.​​ 

​​​EF: Could you elaborate on how your platform ClinicalTrials.EU​​ ​would contribute to the work being done in clinical trials? 

​​LI: ​A key challenge in clinical research is patient recruitment. ClinicalTrials.EU tackles this by empowering patients with accessible and understandable information. I believe the more information a patient has, the more involved they are in their treatment. Our platform offers up-to-date clinical trial listings in seven European languages. This ensures clear and relevant information reaches patients in their native tongue.​​ 

​​​​​​But we go beyond just providing information. Patients can easily find the best treatment option with our AI concierge, which will match them with suitable trials across Europe. This personalized approach will further increase patient engagement. ClinicalTrials.EU leverages automation and AI, allowing our team to operate efficiently and expand beyond Europe. While our initial focus remains on the EU, we can replicate our model in the US and LATAM.​​ 

​​EF: How do you see the role of AI evolving in the industry, and what other uses can it have?  

​​LI:​ The impact of AI on our business has been revolutionary. ChatGPT-like tools have amplified our capabilities, making projects like ClinicalTrials.EU a reality. While human oversight remains crucial - pharmacists on our team and double-checking by sponsors/CROs - AI is a game-changer for information publishing and matching patients with clinical trials.​​ 

​​​However, patient adoption of AI tools is likely to be gradual.  Many patients, especially those above 60, are already comfortable using the Internet for health information. Search engines and internet tools have become ingrained in their self-management routines.​​ 

​​​Soon, patient behaviour might not change dramatically. They will rely on search engines, and AI will likely play a background role in ensuring relevant information reaches them through search results. As information publishers, we will likely see an increase in AI-generated content alongside a surge in patient-generated data.​​ 

​​​While AI has significantly impacted our work, broader adoption in the pharmaceutical and clinical trial sectors seems to be lagging. It has immense potential, but increased awareness and education are needed to unlock its full benefits.​​ 

​​​​​EF: What strategies do you use to penetrate and grow into each European market? 

​​LI: ​Our approach focuses on capturing patient interest at the earliest point – when they're actively seeking solutions for their health concerns. By offering our platform in all major European languages, we ensure accessibility and drive organic traffic within 6 months, reaching a significant patient base. Our milestone is 1M patients per month.​​ 

​​​Our business model leverages this organic traffic to broaden the recruitment funnel and connect patients with sponsors, CROs, and other clients seeking clinical trial participants.​​ 

​​​Understanding user intent is paramount. Patients often arrive with specific conditions in mind, actively searching for relevant clinical trials. By prioritizing patient needs and offering targeted information, we can foster higher engagement and ultimately drive successful patient recruitment for our clients.​​ 

​​​​​​​EF: What is the level of awareness of the importance and value you are bringing to Polish and European families? 

​​LI: ​While ClinicalTrials.EU is a relatively young project; our collaborators' early feedback has been very positive. This reinforces the significant need to address the increased accessibility of clinical trial information for patients across Europe.​​ 

​​​Imagine a patient facing a serious illness like cancer. They may have to sift through hundreds of pages online to find relevant trials. ClinicalTrials.EU aims to revolutionize this process by providing a central, user-friendly platform with clear, understandable information in their native language.​​ 

​​​This empowers patients and families. They deserve to be informed about potential treatment options, including clinical trials, and to make decisions based on accurate and accessible knowledge.  By bridging this information gap, ClinicalTrials.EU can potentially improve patient outcomes and contribute significantly to European medical advancements.​​ 

​​​EF: How does this platform affect the patient, stakeholders, and the industry? 

​​LI: ​By leveraging automation and AI, ClinicalTrials.EU platform significantly reduces marketing and recruitment costs for stakeholders like sponsors and CROs. This translates to faster trial initiation and completion times, ultimately benefiting patients by accelerating access to potential new therapies. Patient recruitment, randomization, and retention are crucial aspects, which is why clinical trials, in some cases, last for years.​​ 

​​​But the impact goes beyond cost savings. Patients themselves gain a powerful tool to explore clinical trials relevant to their conditions. The platform empowers them with clear, understandable information, enabling them to make informed decisions about their healthcare options.​​ 

​​​Looking ahead, we're developing functionalities to further enhance patient engagement and retention.  This includes an automated pre-screening department that promptly follows up on patient inquiries and an AI-powered call center. These features, inspired by strategies used in chronic treatment programs, aim to keep patients actively involved in their clinical trials.​​ 

​​​Ultimately, ClinicalTrials.EU fosters collaboration between patients, stakeholders, and the industry. By streamlining the recruitment process and empowering patients, we can accelerate medical research and bring new treatment options to patients faster. ​​ 

​​​EF: What do you want to achieve when celebrating the 5-year milestone? 

​​LI: ​Our vision for the 5-year mark is ambitious but attainable: to be the dominant platform for clinical trial information in Europe. We believe projects like ours have the potential for rapid growth, especially considering the rising patient interest in clinical trials.​​ 

​​​To achieve this, we'll focus on two key metrics: patient reach and industry adoption. We aim to become the primary destination for European patients seeking information about clinical trials. This translates to reaching a substantial user base, with millions of patients actively utilizing our platform.​​ 

​​​On the industry side, we want to be the go-to partner for sponsors, CROs, and other stakeholders. This will be reflected in many active clinical trials listed on the platform, demonstrating industry confidence in our services.​​ 

​​​Ultimately, our success will be measured by the impact we create. By connecting patients with relevant trials and facilitating efficient recruitment, we can significantly accelerate medical research in Europe.  This, in turn, benefits patients by bringing new treatment options to market faster. We believe ClinicalTrials.EU can play a pivotal role in shaping the future of healthcare research and patient access to innovative therapies.​​ 

​​EF: Do you have any final messages that you want to give to our readers? 

​​LI:​ I believe that patient-centricity is the cornerstone of success in the pharmaceutical industry. Our mission is to create value for patients; therefore, by engaging them, we build value for our clients.​​ 

​​​The pharmaceutical industry needs to embrace a more patient-centric approach to communication. Simplifying medical information and using language familiar to patients is crucial.  By fostering open communication with all stakeholders, including patients, we can accelerate medical advancements and ultimately improve patient care.​​ 

March 2024