Read the Conversation

EF: What do you think 2022 will be the year of?

FT: 2022 will be the year of being more dynamic and more adaptable to digitalization in the sector. In 2020 everyone came to a standstill; this included our minds. We were genuinely concerned about losing our customers and businesses. The opportunity to develop came from the industrial standstill. The company's primary focus is CRM and databases within the pharmaceutical industry.

While we are working from home, together with CANIFARMA, we surveyed doctors asking how we could help them and what services they required from the medical industry. We got an overwhelming response from more than 5000 doctors during our research. After going through the results, we presented them to the industry helping them to know what the doctor’s community needed in those moments.

The responses after the Smart Scale’s webinar, the business expanded exponentially. The company runs nationally and internationally even though we have an interest coming in a lot of multinational companies. The company grew in volume and quality during the pandemic, which helped increase our services. Covid was the steppingstone that propelled us to where we are now. In the last year alone, the company has grown by 30%. We have multiple channels for our systems and have increasingly grown by using digitalization and looking to develop AI. We bring technology as a service and a consultancy to this sector.

I drafted a marketing strategy which included offering services at no cost. We slowly gained a foothold as virtual reps and gained experience and expertise through the pandemic. We cover a wide range of specialized fields in the medical sector in our virtual services. That is why I am constantly learning, and the business is continuously developing. The moment we stop learning will be the beginning of the end.

EF: What is the secret to raising awareness of the services offered in Mexico as high-quality services?

FT: Being dynamic is the most important thing. Customers reducing their sales force was a challenge for us because there were no reps on the ground. Most of our customers continued paying for the representatives, and some even increased services with us. The focus was on the clients' needs and understanding how digitalization would help improve our services. Because we are like a boutique company, offering ad hoc the quality must be the best. We learned from internationally proclaimed companies, improved the service design, and do service better.

Taking care of the team is just as important as taking care of the client in our company. We look at what the client needs to improve our quality and delivery. We aim to satisfy all our clients and keep improving beyond their expectations. When Covid-19 came, we let all our employees stay on even though there was no certainty about the future. We even got hires to clean the data, which helped us stay prepared and improve the quality of our services. In my experience when an employee is appreciated and treated well become more productive by the company.  

EF: What are the trends you are seeing right now, and what do your customers require from you?

FT: Our biggest client decided to align all their needs with our services and helped us scale our CRM. I built two companies before selling them and made my third company a success story.

Recently, we launched a pilot program on Harmony CRM that will have 1000 users by April of this year. Our main product is the Harmony CRM, but we also have database services, email marketing, direct marketing, and virtual rep services. It is a beautiful company that is creating value in the sector. We believe that focusing on quality over quantity is important to drive growth.

EF: What skills are you looking for in future hires?

FT: We look for people that take the initiative and make the right decisions. We want someone ready to work under pressure and produce excellent ideas. The best hires are creative with logical thoughts. Having vision beyond the present helps people make smarter decisions. Having a passion for what you do can propel you to become great and to keep improving astronomically. These are the criteria that we like to follow.

EF: What is your advice for the young women and girls In Mexico who dream of being entrepreneurs and aspire to start their careers?

FT: With the right partnerships and people, anyone can succeed in anything they set their mind to. The best advice I can give to young women is not to get loans from banks. People must have the determination to stand, which will make them grow. When you are aligned with the right people, who believe in you and your dreams, you will go places—having the right people around you with the knowledge and capabilities that you don’t will help you build your business. By learning and staying alert, being innovative, and never losing focus with responsibility and constancy in your business.

EF: Five years from now, how would you like to be remembered as a leader?

FT: Whatever I do, I must do the right thing for everyone. Justice is a significant factor in life. Staying positive and motivating people is my driving force in my company and my life. Understanding that we are all human and make mistakes is a valuable lesson. As part of growing up, recognizing, and owning up to our mistakes will make us grow personally and fundamentally.

March 2022